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All On Four Treatment

What is the All On Four implant?

The All-on-4 dental implant procedure is an innovative technique used to restore a full arch of teeth by utilizing just four strategically placed dental implants. This approach is designed to provide individuals with a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to traditional individual implant placements for each missing tooth. In the All-on-4 procedure, two implants are inserted vertically into the front part of the jawbone, while two additional implants are placed at an angle towards the back. This unique positioning maximizes the use of available bone and often eliminates the need for bone grafting, which is sometimes required in traditional implant procedures. 

Once the implants are securely in place, a custom-made prosthetic arch (denture or bridge) is affixed to the implants, restoring both functionality and aesthetics. This technique is particularly beneficial for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth and seek a comprehensive and durable solution that closely mimics the appearance and function of natural teeth.

The All-on-4 implant procedure offers several advantages, including shorter treatment times, reduced need for bone grafting, and quicker recovery compared to traditional implant approaches. Patients can experience improved chewing ability, speech, and overall confidence in their smiles.

We can list the advantages of All On Four treatment as follows: It offers the opportunity to make a fixed dental prosthesis with a single surgical procedure for patients who are completely edentulous. The operation is easier since no advanced surgical procedures such as sinus lift surgery, bone addition are performed. Dental implant surgery time is shorter. It provides aesthetic appearance and smile line, which can be planned individually, and smile aesthetics. It is suitable for patients with nausea reflex who cannot use removable dental prosthesis. Its design is different from full dental prostheses (palate). Since the patient does not cover the palate, it is easier to get used and used.

All On Four treatment can be applied to all full toothless (no female) patients who do not have any systemic disease that will interfere with dental implant surgery and have sufficient bone volume. But it should be remembered that gum disease does not solely result from a lack of oral care. Dental misalignment, the presence of decayed teeth in the mouth, incorrect or poorly performed dental restorations, and improper chewing forces can also lead to gum disease. Furthermore, you can become more susceptible to gum disease in conjunction with certain systemic illnesses like pregnancy or diabetes

As with any dental implant operation, some pain and swelling can be seen after the procedure. However, these complaints can be easily controlled with the medicines you will use in accordance with the advice of your doctor. Treatment of gum disease is simple in most cases. The rst treatment consists of professional cleaning, which is usually done by the dentist by removing dental stones and plaque around the dental tissues using special tools and devices. Since then, the patient cleans his teeth with the help of a brush, dental oss and an interface brush and completes the rst step of the treatment. Surgical procedures under local anesthesia are called peridontal operations to treat enlarged, pulled gums, cavities due to melting of the alveolar bone and bone resorption. In these operations, auxiliary biomaterials such as membrane and bone graft are used by targeting the regeneration of lost tissues. Controls are required at intervals of 3-6 months after operations.
All On Four procedure is a procedure that can be easily performed under local anesthesia. However, it can also be performed under sedation or general anesthesia in patients with high levels of anxiety and fear.